975 resultados para Womans prison


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O jornal da Penitenciária Feminina Talavera Bruce, intitulado Só Isso!, produzido no período de 2004 a 2008, constitui objeto e fonte privilegiada nesta dissertação. Na análise do impresso, a metodologia de pesquisa esteve centrada na produção, circulação e recepção do referido jornal, buscando refletir sobre os possíveis sentidos constituídos nas escritas das apenadas, para uma melhor compreensão das práticas cotidianas dessas mulheres, principalmente, no que tange a uma realidade tão específica, fazendo emergir o registro de um modo de vida tão particular. Nesse sentido, busquei compreender o impresso pesquisado em seus destinos e representações mergulhando em nuances e particularidades que o tema comporta, buscando o universo de significados, isto é, a possibilidade de entendimento acerca das relações estabelecidas por esses sujeitos privados liberdade com a escrita na prisão, o que permitiu perceber quem são apenadas, como expressam suas sensibilidades e subjetividades, como vivem, por que escrevem e quais dificuldades enfrentam. Para analisar esse periódico, aproximei-me de fundamentos e de metodologia vinculados à História da Cultura Escrita e também de autores que auxiliaram a problematizar as questões voltadas para as vicissitudes do encarceramento feminino. Sendo assim, a interpretação desenvolvida está alicerçada em autores que apontam e problematizam a importância de compreender a escrita e o seu suporte, estudiosos que discutem as escritas em espaços de confinamento que, via de regra, procuram ocupar o tempo, experimentar a liberdade ou burlar a solidão, além de pesquisadores que ajudam a pensar a escrita de si e suas representações, e outros voltados para a História da Educação que pensam e discutem a importância do impresso enquanto fonte de pesquisa. Tendo em vista o fato desse tema ter uma fronteira tênue entre os campos de pesquisa, dialogo também com antropólogos e sociólogos que trazem dados sistematizados sobre o universo prisional e auxiliam na sua compreensão. O trabalho de pesquisa sobre jornal, representou, portanto, compreender um pouco mais sobre a realidade das mulheres privadas de liberdade, valorizando a escrita oriunda de um contexto em que os rigorosos meios de controle utilizados pela instituição penitenciária acabam por desumanizar os sujeitos apenados. Desta forma, o direito ao ato de escrita e leitura na prisão, torna-se revestido de uma função social e educativa fundamental para a sobrevivência no cárcere. A tentativa dessa pesquisa é, de alguma forma, trazer contribuições que possam refletir em garantia de direitos e oportunidades, possibilitando aos sujeitos encarcerados dignidade e melhores condições de vida.


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Les littératures migrantes féminines canadienne et allemande contemporaine sont ancrées sur des questionnements de l’espace. Les auteures comme Abla Farhoud (Le bonheur a la queue glissante), Marie-Célie Agnant (La dot de Sara) et Renan Demirkan (Schwarzer Tee mit drei Stück Zucker) arrivent à transmettre les problèmes et questionnements liés à la condition migrante féminine de nos jours, à travers leur utilisation particulière de l’espace dans leurs romans. La métaphore de la prison aide à saisir la complexité de la situation de la femme et de son rapport avec l’espace. Il faut prendre en considération des facteurs comme le déracinement de la femme de la terre natale, sa domination par l’homme et son impuissance face aux événements liés à la migration, ainsi que son emprisonnement par autrui quand la femme est marquée par les préjugés et le racisme de la société d’accueil. La prison de la femme se manifeste également à un autre niveau, soit celui des théories spatiales : les théories spatiales masculines courantes (notamment celles de Bachelard, Merleau-Ponty, Lefebvre, De Certeau et Augé) négligent la situation particulière de la femme. Bien qu’elles aident à exposer ce que les espaces dans les romans nous communiquent et comment il faut lire les espaces, elles sont insuffisantes pour révéler le rapport femme migrante – espace dans toute sa complexité. De plus, la réalité spatiale de la femme telle qu’exposée par les théories féministes (notamment celles de Shands, Rose, Chapman et Massey) saisit seulement en partie le rapport spatial complexe de la femme migrante. La faiblesse des théories mentionnées ci-haut vient du fait qu’elles sont parfois trop simples. Elles ne tiennent pas compte de l’histoire de la femme migrante : due à son histoire particulière, sa conception des termes territoire, chez-soi et identité est tout à fait différente de celle des individus qui n’ont pas fait l’expérience d’un déracinement. En exposant les problèmes particuliers de ces femmes, cette thèse aide à sortir les femmes du silence qui les opprime. Par cette thèse, nous répondons donc à un besoin qui existe dans le champ d’étude : nous plaçons la femme migrante au centre de la réflexion théorique en insistant sur la complémentarité des théories masculines et féminines/féministes et sur la nécessité de combiner plusieurs points de vues théoriques. Par cette thèse, à l’aide de notre analyse des espaces dans les romans, nous précisons la situation nuancée de la femme migrante et apportons des perspectives éclairantes au sujet de son rapport complexe à l’espace.


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This paper presents results from three studies in 25 custodial facilities in three Australian states, including nutrient analyses of menus and focus groups exploring inmate attitudes. Both cook-fresh and cook-chill production systems are used. Non-selective cycle menus of 4-6 weeks are common but inmates can supplement meals by purchase of additional food items (‘buy-ups’). Menus included adequate variety and met most nutritional standards, with the possible exception of fruit. The sodium content of menus is above recommended levels. Protein, fibre, vitamins A, C, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron and zinc were more than adequate, and the percentage energy from fat is close to or meets national recommendations. Focus groups identified 16 themes, including meal quality, food available at ‘buy-ups’, cooking facilities, and concerns about possible food safety risks associated with inmates storing food in cells. Many complaints were about factors not under the control of the foodservice manager.


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The use of “Day in Prison” programs to deter young adult offenders is a concept which originated in the United States and was replicated in Australia during the late 1970s. After almost a decade of uncertainty this model of ‘crime prevention’ re-emerged in Victoria with the introduction of a pilot “Day in Prison” program. This article traces the development and operation of the Victorian experience and provides evaluation research findings which conclude that coercive, intimidatory and degrading aversion techniques should not be utilised by the criminal justice system for the purposes of individual deterrence.


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It should come as no surprise that prisons can become breeding grounds for radicalisation and terrorism [1]. In many cases, extremist ideologies can flourish in prisons through recruiting vulnerable inmates to follow their path. Despite being a popular topic among researchers and policymakers, there still remain significant gaps in our understanding and many unanswered questions. This paper provides an overview on prisoner radicalisation, specifically exploring the role religion plays in prison and its link to radicalisation, prisoner vulnerability to radicalisation and the radicalisation process. The paper also outlines the current debate regarding where is the best place to house terrorist prisoners (isolation vs. separation). The paper concludes by identifying the major gaps in the literature and offers concluding remarks.


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Introduction and Aims: The Indigenous Risk Impact Screen (IRIS) is a validated culturally appropriate and widely used tool in the community for assessing substance use and mental disorder. This research aimed to assess the utility of this tool in an Indigenous prison population. Design and Methods: The study used data collected from a cross-sectional study of mental health among indigenous inmates in Queensland custodial centres (n=395, 84% male). Participants were administered a modified version of the IRIS, and ICD-10 diagnoses of substance use, depressive and anxiety disorders obtained using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). The concurrent validity of the modified IRIS was assessed against those of the CIDI. Results: 312 people screened as high risk for a substance use disorder and 179 were high risk for mental problems. 73% of males and 88% of females were diagnosed with a mental disorder. The IRIS was an effective screener for substance use disorders, with high sensitivity (Se) of 94% and low specificity (Sp) of 33%. The screener was less effective in identifying depression (Se 82%, Sp 59%) and anxiety (Se 68%, Sp 60%). Discussion: The IRIS is the first culturally appropriate screening instrument to be validated for the risk of drug and alcohol and mental disorder among Indigenous adults in custody. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the IRIS is a valid tool for screening of alcohol and drug use risk among an incarcerated Indigenous population. The IRIS could offer an opportunity to improve the identification, treatment and health outcomes for incarcerated Indigenous adults.


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The prison casts a long shadow over Australian cinema. This chapter discusses Australian films set in penal settlements and prisons in the past, present and future. Themes discussed include the fictional depiction of actual events and people, gender and the prison film, the outback as virtual prison, the cell, and stories of unjust imprisonment and systemic brutality.


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Visitors to prison are generally innocent of committing crime, but their interaction with inmates has been studied as a possible incentive to reduce recidivism. The way visitors’ centres are currently designed takes in consideration mainly security principles and the needs of guards or prison management. The human experience of the relatives or friends aiming to provide emotional support to inmates is usually not considered; facilities have been designed with an approach that often discourages people from visiting. This paper discusses possible principles to design prison visitors’ centres taking in consideration practical needs, but also human factors. A comparative case study analysis of different secure typologies, like libraries, airports or children hospitals, provides suggestions about how to approach the design of prison in order to ensure the visitor is not punished for the crimes of those they are visiting.


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Female imprisonment rates have dramatically increased over the last two decades at state, national and international levels. This paper reviews women's imprisonment in Australia and looks at sentence management and programs, highlighting the critical issues which impact daily on female inmates.


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A number of recent developments in the United State (US), United Kingdom (UK) and Australia suggest that conditions may be ripe for a political shift in the reliance on escalating rates of imprisonment as a default criminal justice strategy for responding to crime. The default position is illustrated by the Yabsleyite response of former New South Wales (NSW) Premier Nathan Rees’s to questioning over the cost of prison building and NSW’s high recidivism rate: ‘[t]he advice to me is we have still got 500 cells empty, I don't mind if we fill them up, and if we fill them up and have to build another jail, we'll build another jail’ (Knox and Tadros 2008)...